Hi Nayano! It's me Lucía, I don't know if you remember me but I can tell you I will always remember you. I just wanted to write you and thank you, since the course I can honestly tell you my life has changed cause I have changed! I'm loving it. And it's amazing cause people around me notice a change on me for better, and most important I notice. I haven't been able to do my exercises for I work at a toy company and Christmas season is driving us crazy but I already organized my days so I can at least have a 10 minute exercise. Thanks for your time and for the love you have into this, so big, you have shared it with so many people and I'm one of the lucky ones. Best regards!! Love, Lu
Dear Nayano,
Last night was a really amazing experience for me. I witnessed a transformation I had not been aware had happened. It also felt like this is the "tip of the iceberg" and I am excited to continue doing this work with you. I want also to express how deeply I appreciate the integrity, loving and unpretentious qualities with which you present yourself and your work.
Thank you for YOU,
Hi Nayano, As you could see, i struggle a lot speaking in front of groups, but im working on it.. :) i just wanted to thank you, i truly believe this experience was amazing and life changing, i still feel like butterflies in my stomach, something is clearly moving.. for better!! I hope to see you again, you have a wonderful energy and it was a pleasure meeting you, Thanks again for everything, you cant even imagine how this weekend help me in so many ways, Regards, Susana (the quiettttt oneeeeee!!
Dearest Nayano, We had been meaning to attend your class for the last year. There was always something that interfered. We have been together for 10 years and life has gotten in the way of our sensuality and being an intimate couple. So this class was important! I'm not much for a "group" experience and I have body issues. My partner is definitely not "group" experience kinda gal. Needless to say, we were apprehensive about attending a Tantra massage class. After a year of making excuses, we had to do something to revive the lack sensual energy in our relationship. We were so reticent ... we arrived late. (I'll take this opportunity to apologize for the tardiness). You greeted us at the door and we felt loved and welcome from the start. Out of all the couples, we were the only lesbian couple in attendance. It could have been very uncomfortable. At first I did not know what to expect ... but once you explained the process, and that we were to create our "own" space "together" it became more comfortable and clear. We loved the atmosphere and the candles the lighting was beautiful and intimate. We felt there were other couples in the room ..yet we were truly in our own personal space. I loved watching you interact with your partner it was beautiful and very sensual. It made me feel a little more adventurous and I was able to try emulate your movements with my body ..I got so comfortable that I began to slowly disrobe. (That was huge!!) Both Yv and I were so impressed with you, with your skills as a facilitator, and the gentle, nurturing and safe place you created for us as a Tantrica. We will be attending in the future and we will tell all our friends how you helped us. Thank you! Halyna n Yvonne -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Nayano,
I participated in last Friday's Tantra Kriya Yoga workshop, and would
love to express my sincere gratitude to you.
The hours I spent in the workshop ignited something inside of me that
I have either long forgotten, or simply do not want to believe.
Surprisingly, my tears did not find me. I haven't had so much fun
(yep, fun) since I was a carefree teenager. Even then, I did not feel
the freedom I felt on Friday night.
Thank you so much. "That" is beautiful.
Until our spirits meet again.
 Namaste Nayano,
I was so elated from today's workshop that I forgot to pay you! Please accept my sincerest apologies for overlooking this very important part of what you do. I got your mailing address from Lourdes and will mail you a check. (As soon as I sign off consider it done)
I am still feeling the stuff you spoke of in the workshop "swirling and coming up in breath releases". I have put off looking at stuff thinking it would just go away, but I now know that we must go inside and look deeply at our stuff when it begins to tug at us - the heart stuff.
I knew that today would be amazing, but until I actually experienced this kind of work on myself within the beautiful space you fascilitated I now know first hand the extent of the "amazingness" - profound.
I am striving toward realizing a more conscious way of being in this thing we know as life or actually remembering that we are life - Love and Light. How often we slip back into conditioned patterns. Thankfully, it is when I go deep into the darkness withing that space I often have forgotten about that I re-emerge with a newness that recharges my energy and my light illuminates the essence of my being once again.
Know that what you do is an priceless gift to others. Thank you.
Beaming with joy 
Good morning my beloved!
What a wonderful birthday gift!
This weekend shook every cell. And continues to do so. The group was perfect! No one seemed to have to dominate a conversation or speak just to feed the ego. Everyone respected each others space!
I am very impressed with support for continuing practice! The level one is complete in it's own....and should one want to go further....it is available.
Mara and I are definetly a yes to Level 2...after reading the material....at this moment in time...I am also interested the module 1 training program in 2009....I'll see how this resonates through the year...
Both Mara and I have the most sacred respect for you and who you are for the world....I am blessed and honored in knowing and being with you!!
Hi Nayano!
I loved, loved, loved the class!!! You are a such a gifted teacher! I was really impressed by the way you conducted the program.
I would love to take the Level I class again though...I wanted to take Level II in July but I am not sure that I will be ready..I struggled so much with the exercises....I think that after practicing the cobra breath at home I finally got it! I did my practice yesterday and today and plan to continue with it...I saw little blue lights yesterday but today I just felt very calm.
What a beautiful being you are, Nayano...you know what? I felt soooo self-conscious and shy during the class, but your presence was very reassuring and helped me in getting over myself and enjoy the class.
Thank you soooooo much!
Light and love to you!
Hey Beautiful Nayano,
I'm writing to thank you for your amazing Level 1 workshop last weekend. It was at once blissfully enjoyable, life affirming and transformational. I continue to move into bliss with each daily practice of the Cobra Breath formula and am amazed at the ongoing changes in my life!
The unexpected result of this weekend is that the shifts that have happened on a spinal and cellular level are catapaulting me forward into becoming the person I've wanted to be. The goals I've set for myself at work, with my daughters, and in my relationships are fluidly arriving by just showing up every day and continuing the cobra breath. Some of these changes I've been working on for years, such as being more focused, grounded and dynamically available for my clients; remaining calm and rational with my daughters when they go into chaos; and coming from love instead of from need in my primary love relationship.
However the most valuable result of this work has been my beautifully cemented connection to God which I've been striving for for years as well. With each workshop I've done with you I've seen beautiful changes in my life, yet this Level one workshop was far more profound then I could ever have imagined.
Thank you for your loving guidance, your beautiful spirit, your yummy community, and your awesome female power.
Namaste Dear Nayano,
I simply want to acknowledge what a fabulous job you did this weekend. You held such a sweet, intentional and powerful space for all of us and I am left in grace and ease. Jeff and I decide to dissolve our old marriage and completely recreate a new one in this space of love, possibility and tantra. I am SO excited about my new husband and what that means for each of us. I am left peaceful and relaxed and filled with gratitude that we get to have this, and we get to have it right in our own backyard – how cool is that??!! We are also looking forward to our ongoing relationship with Ipsalu Tantra and being ready for Level II – we’re in!
You are awesome, and my respect and admiration for you only grows. You rock, girl!
Mara ---------------------------------------------
Namaste and good morning Nayano,
Thank you for creating the Valentines Evening!
The room was so beautiful right down to the lighting. It was wonderful to see familiar faces and new faces alike.
You provided a seamless evening from beginning to end. Your heart was/is an expression of love in all its splendor.
The dynamics and differences in the programs you offer seem so diverse and yet they all share the common thread of expressing and BEING love. Something that the heart provides, not the mind.
I wish the whole of humanity was in that room last night because I know the world as we know it would never be the same....with the generous outpouring of love.
Love and light,